our approach
How we achieve added value
User satisfaction is one of the key factors of success within a project for us. From the first contact up to the implementation and managing of the systems or applications, Tenuki assists in offering tailor made solutions for our customers. The main starting point during the development of our products is to support the customer in the best possible way in performing their activities. In order to achieve this we analyze the way our client works together with our user experience designers. When needed we visit the company, talk to the end users and identify their needs.
During the development phase we plan regular moments to connect with our clients and to provide feedback. We start by making a variety of prototypes. These prototypes vary from a simple sketch to a detailed version of what a final screen might look like. By using this method the customers are involved in the project from the beginning and we can agree if the project lives up to the right expectations. In this way we hope that our work will deliver added value to the products of our end users and that it will fit within the context of the clients work environment.
our services
What we do
Tenuki has a diverse range of projects. We work in a challenging and dynamic environment within the niche market of traffic management. We succeed, time and time again, to obtain interesting and important projects.
Our work can be divided into three key activities:
Product development
On behalf of our customer we, as a team of interaction designers and developers, build software products from scratch. Think of mobile application, analytic tools for traffic engineers or a web application in which local governments can manage their roadworks.
Application management
We manage and maintain various existing software and configurations, including those used by traffic centers to provide traffic information to the road users. Our job is to make sure that they are operational 24/7 and improved with new features and extended functionalities.
We provide expert input on complex issues within our field of expertise and engage in constructive dialogue with our customers. With more than two decades of experience, we offer knowledge that goes beyond software development. For instance, customers go to us for expertise knowledge on data standards such as VILD, DATEXII and OpenLR.
our projects
Selection of projects
We handle both small and large projects and we are proud to say that we have some of the leading companies in the industry as our clients. Parties such as Rijkswaterstaat, Nationale Databank Wegverkeergegevens (NDW), the Verkeersinformatiedienst, or ANWB to name a few, but you can also think of the Technical University of Delft and several provinces.
Have you become curious about our activities and software products? Below we highlighted some of our projects. Want to know more about the ins and outs? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to tell you more.
our skills
The tools and techniques we use
Each project has its own angle and asks for its own approach and combination of tools. Currently our desktop- and web applications are being developed for both Windows and Linux. And, in regard to programming languages, we at the moment work with Delphi, Java, C++ and Extreme programming (XP).
Do you have experience in a great language or application that we haven't mentioned? Let us know, we are open to your suggestion and appreciate initiative.